Choices make who we are. Who you are and where you are in life is the sum total of the things you learned and choices you made in the past, either negatively or positively. Take an inventory of your life and see how far you have brought yourself. Nobody is responsible for who you are or where you are in life, you are the one accountable. Some choices may seem insignificant and maybe have little effect to our lives but when done repeatedly they become part of the subconscious brain where we no longer have to memorize, our thinking will be on an autopilot and our actions seem automatic.
What I want to address here is that choices that we make have dramatic impacts in our lives and therefore we need to be extra careful upon choosing the right things to do because what you choose now affects your future. Ask yourself these questions, do you take good care of yourself ?do you check what you eat?do you exercise to keep your body in shape?, what are the kinds of books do you read?what kind of people do you spend time with? do they help you grow mentally, spiritually or financially ? what kind of relationship are you in? are you happy or it is a toxic relationship?. These are some of the questions that as human beings we ought to be asking ourselves and if we do not feel good about them then we have to make changes in those areas of our lives.
The good news is that everything is possible, you can get out of the misery or hard times you are going through if you only develop the right attitude and be willing to change no matter what. It all starts with the MIND. The truth of the matter is you need to change yourself first and eventually everything else around you will be attracted to change. Read books to help you with insights from great thinkers and learn from successful people, the hardship they had to endure to get where they are right now, eat healthily and exercise on a daily basis to keep your body fit because health is wealth, you cannot work if you are sick and in bad condition and most importantly believe in yourself.
It is also necessary to spend time with people who help you grow, challenge you and motivate you to reach your goals and find your calling,avoid naysayers they will only distract you from reaching your destiny. As the saying goes "show me your friends and I will know who you are", so the kind of friends you have reflect the person you are and "birds of the same feathers fly together". You hang around winners you will be a winner, you hang out with losers you will end up a loser.It is a choice you have to make basing on what you want out of life.
Remember, old habits die hard so you must be willing to change by replacing the bad habits with the good and when you do them consistently they become ingrained in your mind. You are powerful beyond measure and being given a gift to give the world before you leave.
To every successful person you will listen to or read his or her story you will come to realize that there is a list of positive actions done consistently and it has become a part of them. You need to retrain your mind and adopt a new way of living that's positive.
I am not saying there will be no obstacles or hardships that you will face during your personal development and growth. While working towards you calling bad times will come but if you work hard on yourself and develop that right attitude, they will pass. Do not settle or go around blaming others for what you are going through, be responsible and face it, it is a part of growing.
Change is a slow process sometimes so you need to give yourself time to grow and become good at what you are doing. We are living in a kind of world where we want everything to happen fast and when things do not change instantly we give up and get back to the miserable life we once had. Make your life a personal business, that no one will control you or be there to make it better but yourself and that starts with making the right choices and be willing to endure the pain of change because changing yourself is challenging.
You want to be treated like a king or queen then it is time you act like one. Life is a fight for territory, if you do not struggle for things you want in life, things you do not want will take over so make the right choice now.
We were all born dumb, naked and speechless and if it is possible for others why not you. ACT NOW AND MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES.
Bashweka jr
What I want to address here is that choices that we make have dramatic impacts in our lives and therefore we need to be extra careful upon choosing the right things to do because what you choose now affects your future. Ask yourself these questions, do you take good care of yourself ?do you check what you eat?do you exercise to keep your body in shape?, what are the kinds of books do you read?what kind of people do you spend time with? do they help you grow mentally, spiritually or financially ? what kind of relationship are you in? are you happy or it is a toxic relationship?. These are some of the questions that as human beings we ought to be asking ourselves and if we do not feel good about them then we have to make changes in those areas of our lives.
The good news is that everything is possible, you can get out of the misery or hard times you are going through if you only develop the right attitude and be willing to change no matter what. It all starts with the MIND. The truth of the matter is you need to change yourself first and eventually everything else around you will be attracted to change. Read books to help you with insights from great thinkers and learn from successful people, the hardship they had to endure to get where they are right now, eat healthily and exercise on a daily basis to keep your body fit because health is wealth, you cannot work if you are sick and in bad condition and most importantly believe in yourself.
It is also necessary to spend time with people who help you grow, challenge you and motivate you to reach your goals and find your calling,avoid naysayers they will only distract you from reaching your destiny. As the saying goes "show me your friends and I will know who you are", so the kind of friends you have reflect the person you are and "birds of the same feathers fly together". You hang around winners you will be a winner, you hang out with losers you will end up a loser.It is a choice you have to make basing on what you want out of life.
Remember, old habits die hard so you must be willing to change by replacing the bad habits with the good and when you do them consistently they become ingrained in your mind. You are powerful beyond measure and being given a gift to give the world before you leave.
To every successful person you will listen to or read his or her story you will come to realize that there is a list of positive actions done consistently and it has become a part of them. You need to retrain your mind and adopt a new way of living that's positive.
I am not saying there will be no obstacles or hardships that you will face during your personal development and growth. While working towards you calling bad times will come but if you work hard on yourself and develop that right attitude, they will pass. Do not settle or go around blaming others for what you are going through, be responsible and face it, it is a part of growing.
Change is a slow process sometimes so you need to give yourself time to grow and become good at what you are doing. We are living in a kind of world where we want everything to happen fast and when things do not change instantly we give up and get back to the miserable life we once had. Make your life a personal business, that no one will control you or be there to make it better but yourself and that starts with making the right choices and be willing to endure the pain of change because changing yourself is challenging.
You want to be treated like a king or queen then it is time you act like one. Life is a fight for territory, if you do not struggle for things you want in life, things you do not want will take over so make the right choice now.
We were all born dumb, naked and speechless and if it is possible for others why not you. ACT NOW AND MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES.
Bashweka jr